Comprehensive SEO Keyword Research Services for Insurance Agents & Brokers


Introducing Keyword Research as Part of Our On-Page SEO Strategy

Who doesn’t want to get more traffic to their business websites using organic research-driven methods?

Your targeted customers search for specific terms when they’re trying to find insurance services. For example, a customer looking for ‘home insurance’ might insert that term in search engines. One part of our SEO strategy at Trufla involves finding every keyword your customers might use and leveraging it to get your website traffic from qualified leads. This is called keyword research.

Keyword Research is one of the main processes of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Our expert SEO specialists work tirelessly to find the right keywords and use them optimally to enhance your business’ SEO performance.

Let us guide you on the practice of keyword research, the processes we follow, and the tools we use.

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About Trufla

Trufla Technology is an Insurtech company that offers solutions, including dedicated Insurance SEO services, to insurance companies and agencies in Canada and the US. We are your dedicated local SEO service provider, guiding you with the best SEO keyword research strategies to maximize your qualified leads.

Our SEO Experts in Trufla will perform best practices in Keyword research for your business, you will get more search engine visibility and organic traffic to your company from qualified leads.

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Why is Keyword Research Important for Insurance Agents/Brokers?


  • Increasing Website Visibility and Traffic

Keyword research is just as important as technical SEO services in the insurance industry. Customers use search engines to find solutions or answers to problems they have. If you rank for the keyword they’re using on the first page(s) of the search engine ranking page (SERP), they will find your website easily. Your website will be visible to more people, who will likely click on it to see if it helps them find what they’re looking for.

The traffic you get from SEO keywords is organic, meaning you don’t pay Google for it, as opposed to paid ads. If your website is well-optimized – which we can help you with- these searchers might become customers.

Good keyword research will bring about qualified leads to your website and help increase your client base.

  • Understanding User Intent

Keyword research helps you understand the search intent of your target audience. Search intent is the reason behind the search query made by the user. Understanding the customer’s needs will help you create relevant content to fulfill these needs.


Types of User Intent:
    • Informational: The users are looking for information. For example, they may ask questions, like: “What are the types of home insurance?”
    • Navigational: They’re looking for a specific website or page. They may type: “Trufla insurance services”
    • Commercial: They’re researching products and services. They may type: “Best home insurance company.”
    • Transactional: They are ready to buy a product or service. They may type: “Buy home insurance in Ontario.”

Once you understand user intent, you can create a content strategy that aligns with your collected data. A targeted, relevant, and effective content strategy will improve your SEO performance.




The Basics of Keyword Research


Choosing the Right Keywords

Our SEO experts use many metrics to choose the right keyword for your business. Here are the key metrics for our insurance SEO services:

Monthly Search Volume

Search volume is the number of search queries made for a specific keyword. If the search volume for the keyword “Home insurance Canada.” is 3000, you can tell that on average, 3000 searches are made using the term per month. A keyword with very low search volume might not be worth using and including in our SEO keyword research strategy. However, a word with a high search volume isn’t always ideal because of the second metric.

Keyword Difficulty

A difficult keyword is hard to rank for because many competitors use it. For example, “Home Insurance Canada” has a high search volume, making it a good candidate. However, if it has high difficulty, you must work hard to rank using that keyword, by providing unique high-quality content that stands out. Depending on your goals and business scale, our experts might use keywords with medium search volume and low competition. Sometimes, it’s worth it to try competing with a high-difficulty word. With our advanced professional SEO tools and skilled content creators, we can make a run for it and produce good results. Our SEO specialists have the experience and expertise to help you decide what’s best for your business.


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Types of Keywords


Long-tail keywords Vs. Short-tail keywords

Long tail keywords are made up of a sentence or a question. They usually have a low search volume and low competition, making them easy to rank for. Additionally, long-tail keywords are more specific so they’re ideal to target customers with a particular intent. An example of a long-tail keyword is “car insurance quotes online.” The user is searching for the prices of car insurance. You can use that information to make informative content about car insurance prices or how to get insurance quotes online.

Car insurance alone is a short-tail keyword, usually with a high search volume and very high difficulty. A user searching for this term might be looking for the meaning of car insurance, how to get car insurance or the names of car insurance companies. It is less specific and hard to compete with. However, you will get much traffic if your page ranks for this keyword. That traffic might produce less qualified leads, though.

Branded Vs. Unbranded keywords

A branded keyword contains the name of a brand, while an unbranded keyword doesn’t. For a brand’s name to get a high search volume, it has to be well-known. If you provide mobile services, you might use the word iPhone as a keyword to attract iPhone users to your services. “Mobile device” is a more general unbranded keyword.

Primary Vs. Secondary keywords

A primary keyword tells Google the topic you’re writing about. If you’re writing about car insurance in Ontario, your primary keyword could be: “car insurance Ontario.” Your page might contain 1-2 primary keywords that are mentioned a few times on the page. A rule of thumb is that keywords should occupy 1-2% of the page.

Secondary keywords are the subtopics of a page. If you’re writing about car insurance in Ontario, primary keywords could be: “car insurance prices Ontario.” or “Car insurance types.” Usually, each secondary word is mentioned once or twice throughout the page. Secondary keywords tell Google how your page contains relevant subtopics that support the main topic.

Niche Keywords

Niche keywords are very specific, targeting a small portion of people. For example, “historic home insurance.” is a niche keyword because few homeowners live in a historic home. Niche keywords usually have a low search volume and low competition. If you offer specialized services, niche keywords will help you reach your target audience more easily.

SEO keyword research

Finding the Right Keywords: Tools and Techniques

The Tools We Use for Keyword Research

At Trufla, our SEO specialists use the best keyword research tools in the market, like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, and more. We believe each keyword research tool has advantages and can help us achieve different goals. Pair all these tools with our team’s expertise, and you get great results and a boost in SEO performance.

How We Find the Right Keywords

SEO Audit

The first thing we do is make an SEO audit, by checking your website’s existing rankings. The purpose of an SEO audit is to find out which words you already rank for and find ways to use them to maintain your rankings. It also helps us find new opportunities to rank with other keywords.

Search the keyword database using the seed keyword

A seed keyword is the base of keyword research. It’s usually one or two words that you can use to find other related keywords. For example, if you run an insurance brokerage, your seed keyword might be “car insurance” or “home insurance”

If you search for each of these terms, you will get keyword data that you can use to find more keywords, like “car insurance prices” “commercial car insurance” or “auto insurance”. After we insert the seed keyword into the keyword finder tool, we inspect the search results to find the most suitable keywords. We use the metrics mentioned before, like the search volume and keyword difficulty to select the target keywords. We also make sure the keyword is relevant and matches the user intent of the targeted audience.

Conduct competitor’s gap analysis

Competitors have the same target audience as you, so they use similar keywords. By conducting a gap analysis, we might find out words they rank for that you haven’t used. These keywords can help you reach more of your target audience. Many SEO tools can help with conducting a competitor’s gap analysis. It’s a simple process that starts with entering your competitors’ domains (manually or by automatic detection) and finding out the missing words that you can use.

Use Keyword Suggestions in Search Engines

A free keyword research tip is to search for the seed keyword or any relevant keywords in Google. In the search bar, you will find that Google autocompletes your search queries, which can give you an idea about the most searched terms in your industry.

Another tip is to look for the related searches section and the ‘people also ask’ section which appear after a few search results.

These tips are time-consuming but can help us find new keywords at times. However, we rely on advanced keyword research tools primarily for keywords selection.


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Creating a Content Strategy Using Keyword Research

Structuring and Organizing Your Keyword Data

Now it’s time to put these keywords we selected to good use. The first step to creating an SEO-focused content strategy is to compose a list of keyword ideas. This is crucial to be able to come up with topics to include in the content strategy. We use spreadsheets and some of our SEO tools to organize and categorize the keywords that we choose to work on. The keywords could be divided by topic, type of content, and priority to be created. That way, it’s easy for our content creators to start cooking some delicious content.

If you’re looking to organize your keyword list, you can use spreadsheets, like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, or you can use SEO tools, like Moz, SEMRush, or Ahrefs where you can create tags and filters for the keywords.

SEO keyword research

Incorporating Keywords into Content

Creating a Content Plan

Using the keywords list, we come up with a list of content to create for your business website. First things first, we make sure all your services have dedicated service pages and location pages that customers can access to find out about your services.

Secondly, we make a list of topics to cover in blog posts. Blog posts are informative pieces of content that can increase traffic to your website, drive conversions, and build authority and trust with your target audience.

When brainstorming blog post topics, we always make sure the topic aligns with the keyword when it comes to user search intent. We want your clients to find what they’re searching for to increase the value of the created content. We always try to avoid spammy, irrelevant content that will drive away targeted clients.

Best On-Page SEO Practices

While creating content, we apply the best SEO practices to help that content rank in SERP. Some of these practices include:

  • Meta Title: We create a title tag for the page we’re writing. The title tag is the title that appears to users when they search for the target keyword. A title tag includes the primary keyword. It should preferably be less than 60 characters.
  • Meta Description: The meta description appears to users when they search the target keyword and includes a summary of your page. We make sure to include the primary keyword in the meta description. The meta description should be well-written and enticing to drive customers to click on the link to your website.
  • Headers: We also add headers, like H1, H2, H3…etc. These headers make the content created look well-structured and easier to read.
  • URL Structure: We also include the keyword in the URL structure to make it easily readable to both users and search engines.

Content Optimization

Our on-page SEO optimization doesn’t stop here. We also optimize the content itself to make sure it provides a good reading experience for both users and search engine crawlers.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Content Body: When writing the content, we add the keywords naturally without stuffing them for the sake of ranking. We aim for a keyword density of around 1-2% per page. To avoid redundancy when adding keywords, we use synonyms and related keywords.
  • Images and Alt Text: To make your pages visually appealing, we also add images here and there. Not only do images improve readability for users, but they can also improve search engine rankings when we fortify them with alt text and add keywords to the titles of the images. Alt text also helps improve accessibility.
  • Internal Links: We also add internal links to the content of the page. An internal link will help connect the reader to other parts of your website. They are useful both for site navigation and SEO performance.

Creating Quality Content is a Priority

The most important factor when creating SEO content is the quality and usability of that content. Google encourages informative and engaging content. Here’s how we achieve that goal:

  • User Intent: We ensure the content satisfies the user intent. They will find what they’re looking for when they click on your link. For example, we create blogs for informational intent and landing pages for transactional intent.
  • Content Structure: The way the content is presented makes all the difference. We write clear, concise content that is well-structured for utmost effectiveness.
  • Fact-checking: The information we add to any content we publish is up-to-date and accurate. We fact-check using multiple reliable resources.
  • Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T): E-E-A-T is included in Google’s content guideline. We demonstrate all these qualities in our work to provide a good user experience and satisfy Google’s quality rater.

Standing out among competitors: We know that your competitors probably covered most target topics. But worry not, we go above and beyond to improve on the content they create. Sometimes, we cover the topics more thoroughly or use a different unique angle to give your website an edge and help it rank higher in SERP.


Enhancing Content for Readability

We incorporate the best practices to improve the readability of the content. For example, we use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make the content easy to digest and break down. We also work on making your website responsive on mobile devices so mobile users can get an equally satisfying navigation experience on any device.


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Monitoring and Adjusting Keyword Strategy

After doing keyword research and publishing content, we start tracking the results of our efforts. Search engine’s algorithms and user behaviours are always changing. To keep up with these changes and ensure our strategy is effective, we continuously monitor and adjust our keyword research strategy. We aim to make the effects of our SEO campaigns ripple for a long time. We must track keyword performance, create reports regularly, and analyze user behaviour to achieve that. Let’s get more in detail.

Keyword Performance Tracking

Tools We Use

  • Google Analytics: This tool by Google helps us monitor organic traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates. The metrics we use as indicators are session durations, bounce rates, and goal completion. By comparing the traffic, behaviour, and conversion rates before and after we started our SEO campaign, we can tell if our keyword research strategy is improving site performance.
  • Google Search Console: We use this tool to track the search performance of the keywords used. We track metrics like total clicks, impressions, average position, and click-through rate (CTR) for the target keywords. Knowing how each keyword performs helps us tell which ones successfully drive traffic. Generally, we use the data to track progress and identify new opportunities.


Setting Up Regular Reports

We generate weekly or monthly reports to review the performance of your keywords. The report includes metrics like keyword rankings, organic traffic trends, and CTRs. We use advanced tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz to help automate and customize these reports, providing a clear view of your SEO performance over time.

Continuous Optimization for Long-Term Success

Our work doesn’t stop there. Here’s how we continue to optimize to maintain success for a long time.

Ongoing Keyword Research

We regularly research and update our keyword list to reflect new trends and topics in the industry. We use tools like SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool to discover new opportunities for keywords and assess the potential impact on the SEO strategy.

Updating and Refreshing Content

Our calendars include time made for checking existing content to make sure it’s relevant and up-to-date. If needed, we add new information, update statistics, and refine keyword usage. This can help improve the SEO performance of the page and improve its ranking.

Conducting Content Audits:

We also make time to audit existing content to identify underperforming pages whose SEO performance we can improve. For example, we can consolidate, improve, or repurpose the content and track the effect of the changes. Many SEO tools can help with this process.

Staying Updated

Google search engine algorithms are constantly changing, but we’re always catching up with updates. We have many resources, like blogs and new sources, that help us stay ahead of the game, updating and making changes to keep up with algorithm changes.

Why Trufla Is Your Top Choice for Keyword Research SEO Services

We’re Insurance Experts

SEO for insurance is unlike any other industry. Insurance keywords are tricky, often having high difficulty. The good news is, unlike other SEO service providers, we specialize in the insurance industry. We have been a part of the insurance industry since 2009, first as a brokerage before becoming a Digital Marketing Services provider. That means we know more about the needs and goals of an insurance company, and we put this knowledge to good use.

We’re Also SEO Experts

We have a team of SEO specialists who are dedicated and motivated to drive results. Their approach to SEO is adaptive and backed by extensive research. Each member of the team has an impressive portfolio showcasing the work they’ve done for many happy clients.

We Value Transparency

While working with Trufla, you will always stay in the loop. We conduct client meetings to discuss the strategy and walk them through our processes. After working on the plan, we meet up with the clients again to go over the changes we tracked in the SEO performance and discuss the next step in our SEO program.

Our Price Plans Are Customizable

We work on small and large websites, which is why we have different price plans. You can choose from three tiered packages. The price packages are a la carte, meaning you can customize them depending on your needs. In short, you pay for the SEO services you want to use and leave the rest. We won’t overcharge you for services you don’t need.

Start Your SEO Journey with Trufla Now!

keyword research is an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. By understanding and leveraging the right keywords, your brokerage can effectively connect with its target audience, improve search engine rankings, and drive more organic traffic to your website. The SEO specialists at Trufla can help you reach those goals and much more. With Trufla SEO service, you can shoot for the stars.


Other Services We Provide for Insurance Brokerages and Companies

  • Digital Ads: Using the power of performance marketing, we can help drive qualified leads to your website.
  • Website Development and Design: Become a Truweb client and get your website redesigned into a digital sales platform that will help you get more leads and conversions.
  • TruMobile: A full-service insurance mobile application and web portal providing customers with an omnichannel experience and allowing brokers to meet them anywhere on any device.
  • TruMarket: A revolutionary insurance CRM system that can reduce your quoting time by 75%.

Our SEO Price Packages Are Flexible

Whether you run a small insurance company or a large corporation, we have the the best SEO Strategy for business. Our Affordable SEO services come in 3 packages: Basic, expert, and advanced. Each package offers great value and is a great investment for your business. Still, we don’t want you to pay for services you don’t need. Our pricing comes in la carte packages, which means you can customize the services, picking the ones you want and leaving out the rest.

Insurance SEO Packages

Speak with one of our SEO Experts to learn more about our pricing packages.

Our pricing comes in la carte packages, which means you can customize the services, picking the ones you want and leaving out the rest.


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Keyword Research Services: FAQs

While we can’t give a 100% guarantee regarding search engine rankings, our team of SEO experts can surely help your company gain more online visibility with organic traffic using ethical and data-driven SEO practices. These practices can drastically improve the website’s search engine ranking.

Trufla’s SEO services will help your company’s website rank higher in SERP, which can increase the number of leads going into your website. Our methods drive organic traffic from users searching for the type of insurance services you provide. That means you will get more organic traffic to your website from potential clients with the help of our SEO services.

An SEO strategy is a long-term strategy that can take months to show results. Expect slight improvements in your website’s SEO performance within the first 3 months, and more substantial results within 4-6 months. Our team of SEO experts will gladly report any changes to you as soon as they happen.


To measure the success of our keyword research strategy, we use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track metrics like keyword rankings, organic traffic trends, and Click-through Rates. We use the data collected to keep improving our strategy for long-term success.